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Parents & Guardians

Access guidance and support to help you as the parent or guardian of an LGBT+ young person.

Mosaic LGBT+ Young Persons’ Trust focuses on supporting young LGBT+ persons aged 12-18 and 18-25. Consequently, our work with parents is typically limited to safeguarding concerns or when a young person requests our help in improving their relationship with their parents.


We are happy to advise parents, even if their children are not yet known to us, to help them support their child's engagement with Mosaic’s services.


Many young LGBT+ individuals experience isolation and loneliness, feeling that they have no friends "like them" or that "nobody gets them." Mosaic's services are designed to help them feel part of the community.


We provide a safe space where your child can explore their identity, make friends, and learn about the LGBT+ community—its history, heritage, arts, and activism. Our only agenda is to ensure young LGBT+ individuals grow up healthy, safe, and able to thrive.

We operate a BELONGING framework, which includes:

Be Weloming

Our spaces are inclusive, allowing young people to be authentically themselves.


We listen to what young persons tell us.

Lead the Change

We advocate for and amplify our members' voices, challenging oppression wherever we encounter it.


We are happy to help when we can and advise when we can’t.

Needs Oriented

We meet all identified needs and look out for those that are not yet apparent.


Our members deserve the best.


We view inclusion as an ongoing process and continuously strive for it.

Navigate Cultures

We respect our members' identities and design culturally competent services.

Growth Inspiring

We inspire our members to be the best versions of themselves.

We operate with empowerment in mind, and we require all members to register with our service themselves. They can find the registration link in the young persons' section of this website. This process helps them grow and learn important skills they will encounter in adult life. Our principles are based on mutual respect and responsibility.


Once a young person registers, they will receive a welcome email explaining how to access services and use our booking system for events and workshops. Our system simulates adult life to teach our members time management and responsibility. Most of our outings are free, but if a young person books and fails to show up, we reserve the right to charge a fee for the wasted ticket. We want our members to grow into responsible adults, and this is part of that journey. We need your support in this effort.


If you have any concerns or wish to report a safeguarding issue, please email our Designated Safeguarding Officer at We take all concerns seriously and investigate them promptly.


We hope we have addressed any doubts you may have. Below, you can find a range of services we offer and their intended impact. We look forward to welcoming your child to the Mosaic community soon.

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If you are a parent seeking support, we recommend the following services that we know well:

Families Together London

A parent-to-parent support group for those with LGBT+ children, including a specific group for parents of trans children.


A great resource for finding local support groups and reading valuable guides.

Naz and Matt Foundation

An award-winning service providing support to parents struggling to accept their child’s LGBT+ identity due to their faith or belief.

Our Services:

  • £10
    Buys materials to deliver an arts and craft session that helps young LGBT+ persons to deal with stress.
  • £20
    Pays for 4 young persons to attend Pride Prom, that offers an all-inclusive safe space to celebrate and have fun without fear of prejudice.
  • £50
    Pays to take 10 young persons to see an LGBT+ play or screening that connects them with the LGBT+ history, heritage and arts.
  • £100
    Pays for one person's annual cost of Young Persons Club.
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